Polly's Colorful Plein Air

Saturday August 24

Other dates...

1:00 PM  –  4:00 PM

Meet at Heritage Center, Walk to Suspension Bridge Overlook

Capture the vibrant colors and lighting in nature in this fun plein air (outdoor) painting workshop inspired by the bold landscape works of Polly King.  A facilitator will guide participants step-by-step in creating plein-air landscape paintings onsite at Niagara Falls State Park's scenic gorges.  Influenced by Polly King's vibrant style, students focus on capturing the essence of a scene and accurately portraying light effects and shadows. The program will cover composition, value studies, color mixing, and painting techniques that encourage an appreciation of art.


All levels are welcome to join. Beginners will learn the fundamentals while more advanced painters can expand their skills. Materials will not be supplied, and artists must bring their own.
